For both public and private schools, PR is a strategic way in which schools can connect with their communities, typically using the media to deliver messages. Some experts believe that if a school is "doing it right," they shouldn't need public relations. To establish mutually beneficial relationships with your publics, it's important to provide them with opportunities to give you feedback and engage them in back-and-forth conversations that establish connections. Good school PR relies on listening as well as communicating; this is called two-way communication. It Is defined the National ~chool Public Relations Association as "a planned and systematic two way process of communications between education organizations and Its public designed to build morale, good wll I, under- standing and support for that organization. The importance of public relations is perhaps best illustrated in one simple fact. Maybe in teaching public relationships, schools, and other education bodies The NSPRA (National School Public Relations Association) professional definition is: "Educational public relations is a planned and systematic management Thank you to everyone who attended my presentation at the Small Boarding Schools Association Conference. Feel free to download the
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